All rights reserved.
Drone Research
EBRWS is powered by a team of
Researchers, Volunteers and passionate engaged citizens.
All rights reserved.
Drone Research
EBRWS is powered by a team of
Researchers, Volunteers and passionate engaged citizens.
Drone Research
Drones are used by the EBRWS team as a tool for collecting photography of the whales for photo identification including unique callosity patterns, blazes, marks and scars, sex, body condition, location, core habitat use areas, fine scale movements and behaviour. The quality of the overhead imagery is groundbreaking for the research. All drone data is collected under research permit number – Y26866-3.
The EBRWS Drone Team
Dr Claire Charlton – Lead UAV Pilot
Robert Prestwood – UAV Pilot
Debra Prestwood – Lead Observer / Photographer
Lea Brooks – Observer / Photographer
Richard Pocklington – Observer
Permit Info
Project Title – Encounter Bay Southern Right Whale Research Project. Permit Number – Y26866-3 (-3 relates to year 3 of Permit). Limited filming permit – A00001268.3.CHARLTON.1
Tyers and calf
27th August, 2021
Tyers and her calf now settled in Encounter Bay Nursery, Middleton South Australia.
Enjoying the serenity ...
Drone footage was filmed in the Encounter Bay whale nursery South Australia under research permit no Y26866-3 ... copyright Bob Prestwood EBRWS.
Dakota and calf
Broderie and calf
13th August, 2021
Broderie and Dakota with their calves ... Encounter Bay Nursery, South Australia - 13th August, 2021.
Drone footage was filmed in the Encounter Bay whale nursery South Australia under research permit no Y26866-3 ... copyright Bob Prestwood EBRWS.
Dakota and calf
12th August, 2021
Meet Dakota and her calf. Dakota arrived in the Encounter Bay Nursery 6th August, 2021.
Drone footage was filmed in the Encounter Bay whale nursery South Australia under research permit no Y26866-3 ... copyright Bob Prestwood EBRWS.
Broderie and calf
6th August, 2021
'Broderie' arrived pregnant on the 13th June, 2021 and after giving birth returned with her calf on 11th July, 2021. Broderie is a return Mother having been first recorded with a calf in Encounter Bay 2013 and again in 2016.
Drone footage was filmed in the Encounter Bay whale nursery South Australia under research permit no Y26866-3 ... copyright Bob Prestwood EBRWS.
Christie and calf
1st July, 2021
'Christie' and her young female calf appeared at Christies Beach, South Australia - 29th June, 2021. The pair were last sighted in the waters around Second Valley/Rapid Bay area 10th July 2021.
Drone footage was filmed in the Encounter Bay whale nursery South Australia under research permit no Y26866-3 ... copyright Bob Prestwood EBRWS.